** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is the official journal of the Japan Geoscience Union, published in collaboration with its society members.
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Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences
The JAGUAR-DAS whole neutral atmosphere reanalysis: JAWARA
Dai Koshin, Kaoru Sato, Shingo Watanabe, Kazuyuki MiyazakiDai Koshin, Kaoru Sato, Shingo Watanabe, Kazuyuki Miyazaki
Reanalysis, Middle atmosphere, Neutral atmosphere, Data assimilation, Satellite
Time and height sections of (top) zonal mean temperature in the latitudinal range of 70–80°N and (bottom) zonal mean zonal wind in the latitudinal range of 10°S–10°N from JAWARA.
Using the Japanese Atmospheric General circulation model for the Upper Atmosphere Research-Data Assimilation System (JAGUAR-DAS), a whole neutral atmosphere reanalysis dataset (JAWARA) over about 19 years from September 2004 to December 2023 is produced. JAWARA is the first long-period reanalysis covering the height region from the surface to the lower thermosphere (~ 110 km). This wide height coverage is a notable advantage over other operational reanalysis datasets, which cover up to the middle mesosphere. Key dynamical characteristics are compared between JAWARA and two satellite observations and three other operational reanalysis datasets in their covered height regions. The seasonal variations of zonal mean temperature and zonal wind are similar between JAWARA and the datasets used for comparison. The climatologies of zonal mean temperature, zonal wind, residual-mean circulation, and E-P flux in the meridional cross section are also broadly consistent with other reanalysis datasets. The analyzed residual-mean vertical flow in the northern high latitudes in the middle atmosphere exhibits the well-known patterns of upwelling in summer and downwelling in winter. JAWARA also shows a prominent feature of strong downward propagating anomalies from the lower thermosphere to the upper stratosphere after sudden stratospheric warmings. This analysis takes full advantage of the JAWARA data, which cannot be made using satellite observations and other reanalysis datasets. This reanalysis product is expected to contribute broadly to future research on the characteristics of observed mesospheric phenomena, thermosphere–ionosphere coupling, space weather, and improvement of middle atmospheric meteorological systems, including their interannual and decadal scale variability.