** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is the official journal of the Japan Geoscience Union, published in collaboration with its society members.

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    Solid earth sciences


    An introductory review of the thermal structure of subduction zones: I—motivation and selected examples

    Peter E. van Keken, Cian R. WilsonPeter E. van Keken, Cian R. Wilson

    Geodynamics, Plate tectonics, Finite element methods, Subduction zone metamorphism, Arc volcanism

    Subduction zone processes and example of thermal structure. a Cartoon of subduction zone processes (modified from van Keken (2003)). b Thermal structure predicted for Tohoku subduction (van Keken et al. (2012)). c Temperature of the top of the oceanic crust (in red) and oceanic Moho (in green) as a function of lithostatic pressure P and depth.

    The thermal structure of subduction zones is fundamental to our understanding of physical and chemical processes that occur at active convergent plate margins. These include magma generation and related arc volcanism, shallow and deep seismicity, and metamorphic reactions that can release fluids. Computational models can predict the thermal structure to great numerical precision when models are fully described but this does not guarantee accuracy or applicability. In a trio of companion papers, the construction of thermal subduction zone models, their use in subduction zone studies, and their link to geophysical and geochemical observations are explored. In part I, the motivation to understand the thermal structure is presented based on experimental and observational studies. This is followed by a description of a selection of thermal models for the Japanese subduction zones.