** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is the official journal of the Japan Geoscience Union, published in collaboration with its 51 society members.

    ** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is partly financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results to enhance dissemination of information of scientific research.

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    Session convener-recommended article JpGU Meeting 2013


    Authigenic carbonate precipitation at the end-Guadalupian (Middle Permian) in China: Implications for the carbon cycle in ancient anoxic oceans

    Saitoh M, Ueno Y, Isozaki Y, Shibuya T, Yao JX, Ji ZS, Shozugawa K, Matsuo M, Yoshida N

    Middle Permian, South China, Anoxic deep-water, Authigenic carbonate, Carbon isotopic composition, Oxic/anoxic oceans, Redoxcline depth, Water-mass anaerobic respiration

    Schematic diagram representing differences in the form of authigenic carbonate precipitation between the oxic and anoxic oceans.

    Carbonate precipitation is a major process in the global carbon cycle. It was recently proposed that authigenic carbonate (carbonate precipitated in situ at the sediment–water interface and/or within the sediment) played a major role in the carbon cycle throughout Earth’s history. The carbon isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates in ancient oceans have been assumed to be significantly lower than that of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in seawater, as is observed in the modern oceans. However, the δ 13 C carb values of authigenic carbonates in the past has not been analyzed in detail. Here, we report authigenic carbonates in the uppermost Guadalupian (Middle Permian) rocks at Chaotian, Sichuan, South China. Monocrystalline calcite crystals <20 mm long are common in the black mudstone/chert sequence that was deposited on a relatively deep anoxic slope/basin along the continental margin. Textures of the crystals indicate in situ precipitation on the seafloor and/or within the sediments. The calcite precipitation corresponds stratigraphically with denitrification and sulfate reduction in the anoxic deep-water mass, as indicated by previously reported nitrogen and sulfur isotope records, respectively. Relatively high δ 13 C carb values of the authigenic carbonates (largely −1 ‰) compared with those of organic matter in the rocks (ca. −26 ‰) suggest that the main carbon source of the carbonates was DIC in the water column. The calcite crystals precipitated in an open system with respect to carbonate, possibly near the sediment–water interface rather than deep within the sediments. The δ 13 C carb values of the carbonates were close to the δ 13 C DIC value of seawater due to mixing of 13 C-depleted remineralized organic carbon (that was released into the water column by the water-mass anaerobic respiration) with the large DIC pool in the oceans. Our results imply that δ 13 C carb values of authigenic carbonates in the anoxic oceans might have been systematically different from the values in the oxic oceans in Earth’s history, controlled by the depth of the redoxcline in the water column and sediments. If our model is correct, authigenic carbonates with relatively high δ 13 C carb values in the ancient anoxic oceans may have had a less substantial influence on the bulk δ 13 C carb values in geologic records than has been previously suggested.