※Progress in Earth and Planetary Science は,公益社団法人日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)が運営する英文電子ジャーナルで,JpGUに参加する学協会と協力して出版しています.



  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science


The Most Cited Paper Award 2017

2014~2015年にPEPSにて出版された論文の中から、Web of Scienceにより集計された2016年の被引用回数に基づき、以下2編の論文がPEPS Most Cited paper award 2017(最多被引用論文賞)に選ばれました。

1位 被引用回数 : 25

Review [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]

Prof. Masaki Satoh (left), The University of Tokyo, Japan, awarded by Prof. Iryu, the Editor-in Chief of PEPS

The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model: description and development

Masaki Satoh, Hirofumi Tomita, Hisashi Yashiro, Hiroaki Miura, Chihiro Kodama, Tatsuya Seiki, Akira T Noda, Yohei Yamada, Daisuke Goto, Masahiro Sawada, Takemasa Miyoshi, Yosuke Niwa, Masayuki Hara, Tomoki Ohno, Shin-ichi Iga, Takashi Arakawa, Takahiro Inoue and Hiroyasu Kubokawa

Published: 14 Oct 2014



2位 被引用回数 : 12

Review [Biogeosciences]

Dr. Kentaro Nakamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Ken Takai, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan

Theoretical constraints of physical and chemical properties of hydrothermal fluids on variations in chemolithotrophic microbial communities in seafloor hydrothermal systems

Kentaro Nakamura and Ken Takai

Published: 22 Apr 2014

