** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is the official journal of the Japan Geoscience Union, published in collaboration with its 51 society members.

    ** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is partly financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results to enhance dissemination of information of scientific research.

    >>Japan Geoscience Union

    >>Links to 51 society members

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    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    Progress in Earth and Planetary Science


    The Most Cited Paper Award 2017

    We are delighted to announce that The Progress in Earth and Planetary Science Most cited paper award 2017 were presented to the top-two most accessed papers published in 2014 – 2015.

    Based on the number of citations during 2016 acknowledged by Web of Science, these papers are:

    First place Cited count : 25

    Review [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]

    Prof. Masaki Satoh (left), The University of Tokyo, Japan, awarded by Prof. Iryu, the Editor-in Chief of PEPS

    The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model: description and development

    Masaki Satoh, Hirofumi Tomita, Hisashi Yashiro, Hiroaki Miura, Chihiro Kodama, Tatsuya Seiki, Akira T Noda, Yohei Yamada, Daisuke Goto, Masahiro Sawada, Takemasa Miyoshi, Yosuke Niwa, Masayuki Hara, Tomoki Ohno, Shin-ichi Iga, Takashi Arakawa, Takahiro Inoue and Hiroyasu Kubokawa

    Published: 14 Oct 2014


    Second place Cited count : 12

    Review [Biogeosciences]

    Dr. Kentaro Nakamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan

    Dr. Ken Takai, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan

    Theoretical constraints of physical and chemical properties of hydrothermal fluids on variations in chemolithotrophic microbial communities in seafloor hydrothermal systems

    Kentaro Nakamura and Ken Takai

    Published: 22 Apr 2014
