※Progress in Earth and Planetary Science は,公益社団法人日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)が運営する英文電子ジャーナルで,JpGUに参加する学協会と協力して出版しています.



  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
  • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

PEPS Authorship Guidelines

1. Authors' Responsibilities

Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial, direct, intellectual contribution to the work. Substantial contributions include contributions to the conception, design and execution of experiments and simulations; and to the modeling, analysis and/or interpretation of data.

The authors should decide the order of authorship together. This decision should be made once a general outline of the research project has been agreed upon by the team members.

Everyone who has made a substantial intellectual contribution to the work should be an author. Everyone who has made any other important contribution (including acquisition of research funding) should be properly acknowledged.

All authors should participate in writing the manuscript by reviewing drafts and approving the final version.

The first author should take primary responsibility for the work as a whole even if he or she does not have an in-depth understanding of every part of the work.

The first author should assure that all authors meet the standards for authorship which are outlined here.

If the corresponding author differs from the first author, all authors together should decide who the corresponding author will be.

We also encourage collaboration with colleagues in the locations where the research is conducted or research data and materials are collected, and expect their inclusion as co-authors when they fulfill all authorship criteria described above. Contributors who do not meet all criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgements section.

All authors should both agree upon and be responsible for the final text.

2. Inappropriate Authors

Order of authorship should be based upon the degree of intellectual contribution to the work: orders based on seniority or any other factors without bearing on the research project are not acceptable.

Honorary or guest authorship is not acceptable. Acquisition of funding, while often essential to the work, is not in itself a sufficient contribution to justify authorship.