** Progress in Earth and Planetary Science is the official journal of the Japan Geoscience Union, published in collaboration with its society members.

    >>Japan Geoscience Union

    >>Links to society members

    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    • Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
    Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

    About the SPEPS (Special call for Excellent Papers on hot topicS) Special Issue

    SPEPS Special Issue Guidelines

    PEPS (Progress in Earth and Planetary Science) publishes a special issue of the journal, SPEPS, which is intended to cover (i) results presented at any session at the JpGU Annual Meeting or any other international conference connected with earth and planetary sciences; or (ii) the results of major domestic and international research projects.

    SPEPS deals with themes in the research areas covered by PEPS (Space and Planetary Science; Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Science; Human Geosciences; Solid Earth Sciences; Biogeosciences; and Interdisciplinary Research). It publishes review papers; research papers; methodology articles; and papers with full data attached. Please note that SPEPS does not publish letter papers and does not publish papers celebrating the work or career of well known individual researchers.

    SPEPS Manuscripts follow the same peer review and publication process as those submitted to any other issue of PEPS. We welcome submissions from any researcher whose work meets our criteria..

    Published papers will be available online at the SpringerOpen PEPS site: (https://progearthplanetsci.springeropen.com/articles/collections) and will also be posted on the SPEPS page of the PEPS website (https://progearthplanetsci.org/articles_on_speps.html).

    Proposals for new issues of SPEPS are always welcome. Please send your proposal in English to either the PEPS Office (peps_edit@jpgu.org) or the General Chief Editor (GCE) following the guidelines given below. All SPEPS proposals will be assessed by both the PEPS Science Section Chief Editors (SSCE) and the GCE.

    SPEPS Open for Submissions

    Please check the following website for future issues of SPEPS that are currently open for manuscript submission:



    Proposal for New Issues of SPEPS

    Proposals for new issues of SPEPS should be prepared in English using the format below:

    1. Title:

    SPEPS Title

    2. Summary:

    SPEPS Special Issue Overview (about 200 words):

    3. Topics and keywords:
    4. Schedule:

    Submission start: MM/DD/YYYY

    Submission deadline: MM/DD/YYYY

    5. Proposers (name, affiliation, email address):

    Proposers' names, affiliations, and email addresses

    6. Potential Associate Editors (name, affiliation, email address):

    Proposers are requested to list at least three researchers who will act as Associate Editors and handle the review process for the SPEPS Issue. Please obtain consent before listing researchers as associate editors.

    7. Expected number of submissions:

    The expected number of submissions.

    Total number of submissions: (XX)

    Number of Review articles: (XX).

    List of article titles and author name (if known)

    Please list the titles and authors of any papers that you expect to receive.

    8. Symbolic figure:

    Please prepare a figure that symbolizes the SPEPS issue that the proposers intend to publish. This figure will be posted on the "Call for papers" page on the SPEPS website of the PEPS homepage.

    Please send proposals to: PEPS office (peps_edit@jpgu.org) or to the General Chief Editor (peps_gce@jpgu.org) .

    Request to Associate Editors

    Authors will submit their manuscripts using the Editorial Manager (EM) electronic submission system. The peer review process, including all communication with both reviewers and authors, is to be be performed using this system. The PEPS Editorial Office will send Associate Editors an operation manual which explains how to use EM. If Associate Editors have any problems with the review process, please contact either the Science Section Chief Editor in charge or the PEPS Editorial Office (peps_edit@jpgu.org).

    After a manuscript is received, GCE and SSCE will ask an Associate Editor to handle its review. The Associate Editor should invite at least two reviewers to review the manuscript, inform the author(s) of the review results and, if necessary, request them to revise the manuscript based on the comments and suggestions from the reviewers. When the review process is complete the Associate Editor will recommend to the SSCE that the paper be accepted or rejected. Based on this, the SSCE will make a recommendation to the GCE, who will make the final decision and inform the author(s).

    SPEPS Issue Preface

    After the review process is finished and the contents of the SPEPS issue are finalized, we will ask the proposers to write a preface. The preface manuscript should be sent directly to the PEPS Editorial Office (peps_edit@jpgu.org) and NOT uploaded through EM system.